
know the world of teenagers!!!

sábado, 4 de junho de 2011

Students shave their hair to honor friend in Minas Gerais!! very good!!

Students shave their hair to honor friend in Minas Gerais
A 17 years old with cancer, was a beautiful tribute to 26 friends, in Minas Gerais. He has a tumor in the head considered rare.

The whole gang together. The girls videotaped the boys: 26 friends shaving their hair in the barber shop closed for the event. It is a tribute to his friend who is sick, Arthur Gill, aged 17. The cancer diagnosis came two months ago. He has a tumor in his head thought to be rare.

The surprise of his colleagues was made ​​last Monday, when he returned to Belo Horizonte where he made ​​his first chemotherapy session. "I was speechless. I was helpless, could only smile. I was very happy and felt very welcomed, "he says.

All friends are students of the third year of high school, a school of Governador Valadares, in eastern Minas Gerais and will take the exam at the end of the year. The idea was to shave the hair of Luke Avelino. "I am a friend of Arthur's small and when I heard he had cancer I was very sad and decided to shave his hair in solidarity with him. "

The tribute to his friend, was not restricted to colleagues. Teachers and school directors also decided to participate. "Attitudes like that make us think, really think that the good prevails, " says director Rodrigo Cunha.

're Seeing is what we expect of young people today! solidarity, love, for the world we are attitudes like this that makes dierença! My mother told me that and I fiquetoda arepiada emouvir, felt like crying!
by: sabrina Bedin
PS make good attitudes like that! thank you!

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